Sepasang Giok Naga kura-kura

Giok Serpentine

Naga Kura-Kura (Dragon Turtle)

Giok lama berbentuk berwarna merah kecoklatan.
Ukuran panjang 15cm tinggi 11.5cm
Barang tua dijual kondisi apa adanya

Ru Yi

The dragon turtle has the body of turtle and the head of a dragon, and is most often standing on a bed of coins and ingots and holding a coin in its mouth. It is often depicted with one or several baby dragon turtles on its back, as well as a Ru Yi.

There are many attributes assigned to the dragon turtles cure - from attracting WEALTH to protection to improving CAREER. To understand this cure, let's look at its specific energies. Both the dragon and the turtle are considered celestial creatures and are part of the four FENG SHUI guard assigned to each of the four cardinal directions.

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